Looking to upgrade your existing TV or install a new one? We’ll translate QLED and OLED into plain english and help pick the best set for your space. There’s no better choice for professional installations - especially for difficult flush mounts like the Samsung Frame and LG Gallery Series.

Same Prices. Better Service. More Expertise.

We sell at the same price as Best Buy and Amazon. And they’re huge companies who don’t need any more business. We’re great at what we do. Why buy anywhere else?

True Flush Mount TVs

The LG Gallery Series and Samsung Frame TVs hang flush on the wall.  The look is dramatic. They are by far the most popular TVs we sell.  Installation can be complicated. There’s no better choice to make sure its done right.

Speaking of QLED vs OLED

The first flat screen TVs were plasma.  They evolved to LCD/LED TVs.  OLED (“OH-led”) is a newer technology that produces an even better picture.  Most smart phones use “OH-led” screens so you’ve probably seen one.  QLEDs (“QUE-leds”) are simply high end LCD/LED TVs that have been branded to compete with OH-led.  QUE-led TVs are very good but, when budget allows, its hard to beat OH-led.

Has 8K’s Time Finally Come?

In short, no.  8K TV hasn’t hit its stride and high end 4K TVs are still better.  The 8 million pixels that make up a 4K image are so small they’re almost impossible to see - even on a 100” TV.  Although 8K images have 33 million pixels, until TVs get much bigger there isn’t much benefit to the extra resolution.  8K costs more.  There’s almost no native 8K content available.  Its not worth it (yet).

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